Step 3
Prioritize your pain points
Now that you have completed the KCSS assessment, review your results and identify your pain points – the aspects of caregiving where you are struggling to cope.
The circles around the number corresponding to your stress level associated with each item are connected with a line for additional visual emphasis.
Take a moment to review your results and prioritize the pain points that cause you the most stress. Check the box next to the pain point to mark it as a priority.
To what extent are you feeling...
NO stress
(Coping fine, no problems)
Some stress
Moderate stress
A lot of stress
Extreme stress
(Health at risk, feeling at "end of rope")
Your priorities
Are you having feelings of being overwhelmed, overworked, and/or overburdened?
Your priorities
Has there been a change in your relationship with your spouse/relative?
Your priorities
Have you noticed any changes in your social life?
Your priorities
Are you having any conflicts with your previous daily commitments? (e.g., work/volunteering)
Your priorities
Do you have feelings of being confined or trapped by the responsibilities or demands of caregiving?
Your priorities
Do you ever have feelings related to a lack of confidence in your ability to provide care?
Your priorities
Do you have concerns regarding the future care needs of your spouse/relative?
Your priorities
Are you having any conflicts within your family over care decisions?
Your priorities
Are you having any conflicts within your family over the amount of support you are receiving in providing care?
Your priorities
Are you having any financial difficulties associated with caregiving?
Your priorities
These are the areas that you will want to initially focus on improving. Remember, you can always return to the Caregiver Self-Care Plan website and select other pain points to focus on. If you choose too many at once, it may become overwhelming.
Please select at least one pain point before you proceed.